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幸福总动员 美国ULTRAZONE 韦伯兄弟30段变频 震动情趣双跳蛋静音

  • 材质:其他
  • 分类:变频跳蛋
  • 品牌:Ultrazone∕极致地带
  • 产地:美国





1 使用完后的“玩具”由于有大量的分泌物及润滑油残留液,如果长时间不清洗的话,容易滋生细菌,所以使用完后请尽快的着手清 洗您的“玩具”。
2 清洗时应避免开关、电源等处沾水,一边冲洗一边用手指搓柔,不要用刷子或酸性清洁剂清洗。
3 冲洗完后用干的棉布擦拭最适宜,或者优质纸巾也是不错的选择。擦拭完后再自然风干,避免在太阳下暴晒!
4 最后可以用专用清洁液或稀释酒精(75%)来消毒,也可撒一些爽身粉后再收藏。
5 切记使用完毕后须把电池取出,不要留在玩具里面,否则可能发生电池腐蚀!收藏时可以绒布袋或防尘袋来收藏,尽量放在阴凉处保持干燥即可。

Viibe features two interchangeable mini-bullet vibrators and one remote control in which to activate and change vibration speeds and patterns.

Playful and pink, pick which Viibe stick to use and plug into the remote control. One bullet is long with a knobby end and the other bullet is shorter with a curved end to tickle the g-spot. Each bullet has a tangle-free cord. Viibe sticks are easily separated from the remote control, making clean up very simple.

The remote control has LCD lighting so you can see which setting the vibration frequency is set to or select the auto vibration frequency. Change the vibration speeds with the rotating jog dial.

With 2 Viibe sticks, 5 vibration frequencies, and 6 different speeds, the options for clitoral stimulation are endless. Press and play to let Viibe carry you away.

